Tuesday, April 27, 2010

<< Go Green...~

Go Green is the solution to Global Warming. The reason that it's called Going Green is because green is the color of trees and plants which are natural...~


GO ................................................GREEN

Global warming solution ------ Grow green
Organic products.--------------Recycle,Reuse,Reduce
...............................................{ Energy Efficient
...............................................{ Eco-Friendly
...............................................{ Natural Living

What each word means in the poem...?

Organic products -Organic products ( mostly food ) are the best for the environment because they are grown herbicides, insecticides, or pesticides so they won't affect the environment...~

Grow Green - Grow Green means to grow a tree or a plant. It also means to tell others to Go Green so the word will spread and "grow"...~

Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce - These are the three re's. These are simple ways to live green...~

Energy Efficient - A lot of products are being invented that are energy efficient. Energy efficient does not have to be a products, it can be you too. If you are energy efficient, it means that you do not waste energy, you turn off lights when not in use or you turn off the water instead of keeping it running...~

Eco-Friendly - There are tons of products that are eco-friendly such as cleansers and air fresheners but it doesn't have to be a products, it can be you too. Being eco-friendly means that you try to keep the environment clean...~

BY: Marwa :]

كعكة الشكولا بالخلطة السرية

كاس دقيق-1
2-3بيضاتثلاث ارباع كاس سكر مطحون -3
ملعقة بكن بودر-4

ملعقة فانيليا-5
نصف كاس زيت-67-2شكولاته فليك
8-3ملاعق كاكاو بودرة
9-ثلاث ارباع كاس حليب سائل
  1. :طريقة التحضير
    نضع في خلاط الكيك (السكر+الزيت+الفانيليا+الحليب+الكاكاو البودرة)وتخلط جيدا ثم يؤخذ منها مقدار نصف كأس وتوضع جانبا نضع البيض على الخليط المتبقي في الخلاط ويخلط جيدا ثم يضاف الدقيق والبكن بودر ويخلط جيدا تدهن الصينية ويصب الخليط فيها وتدخل الفرن حتى تتحمر ثم تخرج من الفرن وتخرم بالشوكة ويصب عليها الخليط ألأول حتى يتخلل الكيكة جيدا ثم نرش عليها شوكولاتة الفليك وتترك حتى تبرد ثم تقدم.  فردوس=)

Monday, April 26, 2010

<< Food ...~

 ~...One of the fame's type of foods in the world 
     You can faind Jappanese Food in UAE alot
~... And the fames restaurant in UAE is Sumo Restaurant

Same people just eat anything like they don't now what are they eating O.o

like a sashimi that it made from raw fish OwO ...~

But same of them looks really nice taste but no idear HOW IT MADE or WHAT IS IT...? *~*
But my Advice for a girls how loves to tray new think they must be careful of eating this type of food in any  places

~... My bast Japanese food is pocky

It's kind of sweet that it's a basket and my favorite flavor is strawberry ^^...~
And it can be a health swwet to give children

 There are many type of flavor like ( milk,chocolate,banana...and many other tyes)^^

BY: Marwa :]~....

Monday, April 19, 2010

<< { WHAT do YOU want TO do IN your FREE-TIME...? ~

<< In my free-time i like to play flash games like :dress up games but my bast game is create a character female v ...~

What it make this game the bast is that you can control the shadows ,The pupil and The highlights for the eye ...~

But what i hate in this game is that you have to click a lot...!~ once you get the hang of it the program is simple ^^~

BY: Marwa :]

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